We have had a very fun and very busy Easter Sunday! The boys received their Easter baskets first thing in the morning--and by first thing I mean 5:30 am, excuse the super dark pictures, the sun hadn't quite risen yet.....
David got a St. David the King doll, some trains and some chocolate lambs--I'll let you guess which gift he went for first.......And Henry got a St. Henry doll and the Alphabet of Catholic Saints book.
Then it was off to mass in our coordinating outfits. We arrived twenty minutes early and were the first family to get there and not get a seat. We ended up on the balcony and David did not do nearly as well as he does when we are up front and he can see everything. Oh well! Notice the adorable bow-ties. Chris thinks David looks like the little trouble maker from the Problem Child movies, I think he looks precious. Get ready for the cuteness.....
Of course there's no entire family picture, which is a shame because we all matched...well, maybe next year.....At least I got some decent pictures of me this time so it is documented that I do indeed exist.....
After naps, it was time for the Easter party extravaganza. We hosted Chris' law school friends and families and we had an egg hunt, lots of food and even more Easter candy. I think the kids had a lot of fun, but Chris and I are officially exhausted!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Henry's First Haircut
While visiting Elizabeth today we stopped by this great hair salon that gives under three's haircuts for just $3! David was in desperate need of a *trim* for Easter and I figured while we were there we could try to tame Henry's do as well. I think Elizabeth was more excited than anyone to see the boys with more refined hair styles--I don't think she appreciates their wild & long hairdos that I like to refer to as their signature styles....
The Before
Curious about what's going on....
Not super excited.........
Really not excited............
Isn't thrilled with the new do......
Still not sure about the hair.......
And finally, peaceful acceptance......don't worry Henry, it'll grow back!
Friday, April 15, 2011
David's Favorite Outfit
This has been David's preferred attire for a few weeks now. I don't mind, it makes potty time so much easier....but we are starting to get some looks from the neighbors though......
Henry, Grass. Grass, Henry
Henry got to get outside yesterday and get down and dirty. He wasn't sure if he liked grass at first but we got to learn some important lessons being that close to nature...like the difference between leaves and food......
Monday, April 11, 2011
Cards Are for Sliding
I saw an idea for this activity online somewhere--you cut a slit in the top of a coffee can (or in our case a formula can) and then give your child a pack of cards and have them slide them through the slit. The mom with this idea said it kept her children busy for twenty minutes at a time....I was skeptical.....
I was wrong! David sat down and played his "game" twice, he even named the numbers and letters on the cards as he slid them in, not to mention the great fine motor skills practice he was getting--it was great. I've given it to kids from 5 to 1 since then and they all love it! Granted, the game usually ends with cards dumped out on the floor and children swimming in them, but that's how most games at my house end anyway......I love the concentration on his face in these pictures....
And the crossed feet are just adorable.....
Baby Shower Time!
Don't worry, it's not for me....We threw our friends Robert and Sara a baby shower this weekend and it went much better than expected! It was a coed shower with mostly young male law school students as guests so I wasn't sure what to expect really...We found a good balance between fun baby shower games and presents for the ladies and beer and pizza for the men!
I made a ton of these tissue paper pom poms and had them hanging all over the house for decorations.
Per request of the new mom, the topic of law school was completely off-limits.
I made these cake balls as favors--they were going to be cake pops--which involves sticking them on lollipop sticks before dunking them in the chocolate coating--but I ran out of momentum....
The men had a race to see who could drink their beer from a bottle the fastest. We were going to do two ounces but at the last second someone suggested four--not a good idea....apparently it takes a really long time for adults to drink from a bottle. Henry would have definitely won had he been able to participate :) Chris came in second.
Henry, enjoying the festivities.
We also played guess how big the mom-to-be's belly is. My estimation was about half an inch off, but in the end was beat by a five year old girl, oh well! Some of the guesses were ridiculous--mostly from the men, some could even wrap around her belly twice! I think everyone had a good time and Sara got lots of presents, so all in all it was a great day!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
It's Raining, It's Pouring...
David loves splashing in puddles, which is a good thing because we've been getting our fair share of rain lately. I told him he couldn't puddle jump unless he was wearing rain boots, so naturally we had to go and get some rain boots. Luckily they were on clearance at Old Navy! He insisted on wearing them out of the store along with his new water *resistant* spring jacket. He was so excited--he kept asking for a hat too--I think because he saw Curious George with a full on rain slicker and matching hat :) What can I say, my boys love being messy, sandy and/or wet.
First Cone of the Season
On Monday it was a whopping 77 degrees outside so we went for a walk to a nearby park--directionally challenged as I am, I quickly became lost and aborted our mission diverting to our favorite ice-cream shop that has finally opened for the season. David was not surprisingly very okay with our change of plans. He has been begging me for ice cream cones for the past two days and doesn't seem to comprehend my explanations that ice-cream is a "sometimes food"....either that or he's trying to see how many times he can say "ice-cream cone?" before my head explodes..........