Wednesday, July 17, 2019

On Summer Moving


We are down to our last week in Vermont and the summer has flown by.  I sat down at the beginning and made a plan which involved all the things I wanted to go see and all the books I wanted to read and I'm afraid I was a bit too ambitious and only got to a fraction of either. 

Six weeks seems like such a long time until it's passing you by. 

We did finally visit Billings Farm since everyone here said it was a must see and they are participating in the Blue Star Museum program that gives free admission to military members--which was good because while it's a cute place I wouldn't say it's worth a full price admission.  We also made it to the Vermont Teddy Bear factory which was well worth the $4 :) 

I did manage to get all of my home school planning done, books ordered, and everything printed and ready to go--except for our math.  I waited too long on that and now I have to wait to have it shipped to our new house.  Ah, the eternal problem of military homeschooling moms facing the summer move.  I've given myself a little over two weeks to get the new house settled before we start up lessons in mid-August.  Hopefully that's not too ambitious as well.  I just really need to be finished schooling each year by the beginning of May.  Especially in the south.  You need May to play outside before the summer heat gets unbearable, am I right?  Now I just need to put the finishing touches on my new reading plan which mostly involves bumping all the things I meant to read this summer to my new list.  Plus all my pre-reading.  I hardly got any of that done and I'm sure I'll regret it soon enough. 


We are really going to miss Vermont.  I knew before we got here that we would like it but it turns out that we love it.  The winter was intense but I really appreciated having all the seasons--each one is dramatic and glorious here--and Vermont even throws in an extra one.  Although I suppose mud season isn't particularly glorious per say the children really enjoyed it since mud is one of their absolute favorite things.  My favorite things are the laws against billboards and how almost everywhere you look is beautiful. 

Also the population density here is perfection.  If it's one thing I hate it's a crowd. 

Vermont is probably not the best place to live if you want to own a business or if you have to pay state taxes but it's a great place to just be.  We've already been discussing buying a camper and summering up here once Chris retires.   

Now that would be glorious. 

Monday, July 1, 2019

On Sundays

Ever since spring arrived, we've been trying to have a Sunday routine of mass and then a picnic and park visit of some sort.  It's been pretty glorious.  Warm weather is so much more satisfying when it's been such a long time arriving.  You just want to luxuriate in it :)

This particular* Sunday we veered off our routine to check out a local-ish farm in an effort to get all our sight seeing in before we leave the state.  The kids got to milk cows, pet sheep, gather eggs, drive a fake horse cart and taste cheese.  What more could a child want?  Well, Christopher could want the sheep to learn to use their inside voices.  Every time they would suddenly bleat he would jump about a foot in the air, cover his ears, give his most withering glare, and declare in a very aggrieved  voice that "my no like those animals."

You can't please everyone. 

Also, isn't Vermont beautiful?  We're really going to miss it here.  Even if they do have loud sheep.

* Particular to these pictures not particular to yesterday--I'm having a difficult time keeping up over here!