Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stuck Inside

Since it's been so cold and snowy here, and I hate being cold, we've been stuck inside for what I like to call
"jammie days"--which means we don't change out of our jammies until we change into new jammies after bath time.  We've been getting creative to fill our days, and by creative I mean building "time tunnels" for the trains out of mega blocks and yelling "time tunnel, time tunnel approaching" for at least two hours of every day.  Here are some of the more exciting moments...

It looks like Henry may be taking after David with his dump the toys into a giant pile and then play method...

David discovering the joy of those little capsules that turn into animals in the water....

This has been David's preferred activity while I cook--playing Dinosaur Train meets the great flood.  It's pretty messy, but it keeps him busy forever and today he only added one spoonful of sink water to our crockpot's all right to eat if it was fresh sink water right?
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  1. We have been doing Jammie Days too! I feel like you and so do the desire to be freezing. Isabella asks if she can be a "jammie girl" each day...most days I let her. Very cute pictures of the kids...too bad we aren't close enough to do jammie days together sometimes.

  2. Jammie days sounds like fun! Wish we could do that. With getting the kids to school, it's not possible, except on the weekends, or snow days.
