Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cardboard and Diapers

Our monthly diaper/pull up shipment arrived so naturally it was time for a cardboard house......

Throw in some dot markers and you've got a good....10 minutes of entertainment......

And of course what cardboard house is complete without a sliding-cardboard-sidewalk-of-death that was quietly moved to the recycling bin after the fourth ridiculously spectacular run slip and fall......

As you can see by the size of this box, we get a lot of diapers/pull ups sent to the house.  I've been thinking of trying out cloth diapers for while now...okay, I've been thinking of trying cloth diapers for the past three years or so...but it seems like such an investment and there is such an overwhelming amount of information out there that I just can't seem to commit.

My lovely sister-in-law Julia has just about sold me on the practicality of Thirsties.....but I'm still not sure.....does anyone else have an opinion?  Cloth or disposable?  Thirsties or one of the other bazillion choices?   Do you think I'd really be saving money?  What will the children do without their constant cardboard supply from the diaper shipments?  Will they turn into uncivilized dumpster divers looking for their next cardboard fix?


  1. We CD as much as possible at home - we have a little bit of everything - all in ones and pockets (bumgenius). But my favorites are just white cotton fitted diapers(I got them, unused, at resale and haven't found them for sale anywhere) and a shell (Bummis).

    Even if you just wanted to do it part time - you could easily get away with 6 cloth diapers per kid, which is enough to last one day with a really young kid (if you use dispos. at night) and maybe two days with an older child. Even if you only used them 2-3 days a week you'd save money, particularly if you by second hand or sale items.

  2. Do it, do it! :) I'll do a brief video tutorial if you'd like...just showing how it all goes together and how easy it is. Fitteds (imagine a slip on diaper) are awesome but cost more and you still have to use a cover. I spent $215 upfront and then an additional $20 but since JM won't need them for a while you could buy a little at a time. It does seem overwhelming! But once you take the dive it isn't so bad:)
