Wednesday, February 12, 2014

St. Valentine's Day Fun

Okay, that title's misleading, this is just regular Valentine's Day fun.  I didn't even manage to remember to get the Saint Valentine book from the library this year....oh well, I'll just summarize it from memory as the children gorge themselves on chocolate for breakfast.  I'm pretty sure that's the liturgically correct way to celebrate his feast day anyway.

We had a playdate last week and of course I didn't realize when I read the invitation that it involved a valentine exchange.  Luckily I am well supplied with construction paper and googly eyes.  Well, I was well supplied with googly eyes.......

I had seen this idea on Pinterest and I have to say, we totally nailed it :)

The boys had a lot of fun making their heart monsters and, bonus! I taught David how to cut out paper hearts so this activity totally covered math practice and fine motor skills development......

I know, I didn't even manage to be the obnoxious Catholic friend who makes sure to write "St. Valentine's Day" on the cards.  You can just give me the liturgical year dunce cap and send me to the corner now.......

I suppose we could have done some handwriting practice as well, but I didn't want the valentine creating process to take an additional ten hours so I opted to print out something (hastily scrawled) for the boys to color in and glue to the back of their cards.  We were also lame and gave one joint valentine to each of our friends from all the boys, which of course none of the other moms opted to do.  Hopefully the other children weren't too devastated but I just do not have the mental energy right now to make extra valentines to give out from my baby who has no idea what's going on to other people's babies who are equally indifferent.

I hope the valentines you all receive this year are made with just as much love and attention to detail as these beauties ;)


  1. Oh my goodness those are too cute! I need to stock up on googly eyes one of these days, although last time we had them I kept finding them in various babies' mouths for months afterwards... The extent of our valentine-making is writing prayer intentions on heart doilies from the dollar tree and taping them on the window - we're keeping it low-key!

    1. BUT I was really proud of myself because in November I snapped up that St. Valentine book for 25 cents at our library used book sale. Seriously, still REALLY proud that I got it for so cheap AND that I remembered to bring it out this week to read it :)

    2. I love the doily idea, I'll have to remember that for next year!

      I ordered a giant pack of googly eyes from discount school supply last year but I'll have to get some more this fall in my annual bulk art supply order! The boys love to play with them in their playdough (that and pipe cleaners) so I just rinse them off after each session and keep them in the playdough box :)
