Wednesday, May 13, 2015

On Fairy Houses

David loves fairies.  Books about fairies, pictures of fairies, but mostly he loves fairy houses.  When left alone his fairy houses are mostly piles of bricks and rocks and he's always asking me to make something a little more fancy with him.  I usually decline, not because I don't also love fairy houses, but because his ideas tend to get the better of him and then he turns grumpy when I can't/won't make them come to life.

"No David, we can't turn the cooler into a giant fairy mansion."

"No David, I can't make that six story fairy log castle you saw on Pinterest that probably took a thousand dollars and two years to complete."

Well, he's been asking for such a long time and he did sit in front of the azalea bushes for twenty minutes straight trying to catch an azalea fairy and we have dabbled in fairy houses successfully before so I thought now might be the time to give it another go.  After all, what's more fun than trying to wield a hot glue gun while not letting your toddler burn himself and unsuccessfully calming your baby by giving her random things you find on the patio to chew on?

It's kind of amazing, right?

We used an old log that Chris and the boys had been chopping with an axe and that I wouldn't let them throw on the fire because I knew it would be perfect for this kind of thing.  I gave it a shell roof patio and David scavenged the yard to find bark pieces for the doors and sticks for the supports/decorative elements.  He also found a random wind chime that previous renters must have left behind that would clearly help entice fairies into their new abode.

What's that?  You wanted a close up of the button bistro set?  It's my favorite part and also the most likely to meet an untimely end.

The whole project went much better than I expected.  Even Henry got into the action and didn't once scream "I don't believe in fairies" to force David to clap furiously in order to save whichever fairy might have just fallen down dead.

All afternoon David kept thanking me for making fairy houses with him.  It was really sweet.  Of course he's also now got a list of all the other fairy houses we need to make in order to complete his fairy village.

That boy.  He's got big ideas.

Now if someone could just give me a preemptive intervention before I hop on over to Etsy to find specially made fairy garden materials that would be great.......