Tuesday, July 21, 2015

On Internet Shopping and a Jet.com Membership Giveaway!

I was talking with an old friend recently who told me she never buys anything on Amazon or even online.  To which I replied "??????????"  Aside from perishable groceries, I pretty much buy everything online these days and I always price check against Amazon.  For one thing, I have to be frugal with our money and that means finding the cheapest price.  For another, it's a lot easier for me to avoid impulse purchases and also low self-esteem if I'm not habitually going into stores specifically designed to make me feel like I would be happier/prettier/hipper/fill-in-the-blank-er if I only bought whatever it is they are selling.  And lastly,  I have kind of a lot of small children so besides our weekly grocery trip I do not take my minions into stores because....who has that kind of patience?

Well, Amazon has served me well these past few years, and they will continue to have my heart when it comes to buying used books, but now jet.com has arrived on the scene.  

Have you heard all the buzz?  Basically Jet is attempting to be the low cost alternative to Amazon, which is clearly an audacious undertaking.  You pay a yearly subscription fee and then have access to all the member savings--as my husband says, it's Costco for the internet.  Now, my brother-in-law works for this company so I'm not completely unbiased but we've been beta testing the site for a while and I can assure you that the prices are cheaper than Amazon and the customer service is great.  Amazon responds to issues quickly, Jet responds quickly and with flair.  And isn't that the most important thing?  The prices, not the flair.  The flair is just a bonus.  

If you haven't already checked them out I would encourage you to pop over and see what they are all about.  There are better explanations of how it all works than I can give on their website and also some very clever videos that are definitely worth a watch.  Right now it looks like they are giving away three month trial memberships without any auto-enrolling but for you dear readers, I have four, full, year-long memberships to give away worth $49.99 a piece!  

 Margaret is excited on the inside.

Just leave a comment introducing yourself and enter the rafflecopter for your chance to win......because clearly my blog is fancy enough to necessitate a rafflecopter.

And yes, I am bribing you with these things I got for free to introduce yourselves so I can finally know who is actually reading my blog :)

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway