Tuesday, April 26, 2016

On Getting True Peace

Here are some thoughts on creating true peace for your Tuesday with the accompaniment of adorable pictures of course.  I can't take credit for the thoughts, however I will take full credit for the adorableness......

"St. Augustine describes true peace as tranquility in order, order between God and ourselves, order within ourselves and order in our relationships with others.   If we live that threefold order we will have peace, and we will transmit peace to others."

"Our Lord has entrusted to us the task of bringing peace to the world, starting by having peace in our own souls, and then, in our family and in our place of work.  We should work actively to bring animosity and conflict to an end, to create an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual understanding.  Peace in a family, or in any group of people, isn't simply the absence of arguments or quarrels; that could be a sign simply of mutual indifference.  Peace means helping others in areas of personal or common interest; true peace means being concerned about others, being interested in their plans and projects, their joys and sorrows."Our Lord wants us to foster in our hearts ambitions longings for peace and harmony in this world of ours, which seems to lack that peace more and more, because at times men don't want to have God in their hearts.  God wants us Christians to bring peace and joy with us wherever we go."

"Christ is our peace.  For twenty centuries he has been saying to us:  Peace I leave you, my peace I give you.  He wants each of us to proclaim this to the whole world, by the way we live; to the world in which we live, even if at times it may seem rather small."

"Every Christian has the duty to bring peace and joy to his own surroundings on earth.  This cheerful crusade of manliness will move even shriveled or rotten hearts and raise them to God."
 ~Francis Fernandez, In Conversation with God, volume 2 (pg 480-481)

Peace be with you all and enjoy your Tuesday :)