Sunday, October 21, 2018

On Missing My First New England Fall

Well, it happened. 

My very first New England fall and I missed it.  I'm not sure how Timothy timed his arrival for absolute peak leaf peeping season, but he managed it.  I was able to catch a few glimpses of the autumnal splendor as I drove back and forth to the hospital but I wasn't really in the best state for enjoying the colors.  We did manage a trip to the pumpkin patch before he arrived but it was still warm and the leaves were green.  By the time I was myself again after the birth it was all over. 

It all happened so quickly!  Not even two weeks and then the rains set in and knocked everything off the trees.   I imagined myself finally being able to take a hike with the baby, enjoying all of the colors of Vermont without needing to be within three minutes of a bathroom at all times (an end of pregnancy necessity that really puts a damper on hiking), but alas.  The baby is here and the leaves have fallen.  And to add insult to injury it is currently snowing.  In October. 

Oh Vermont.  You are a fickle friend.