Wednesday, October 2, 2019

On Turning One and Recreating Memories

We celebrated Timmy's very first birthday at home with some delicious cake that I really shouldn't have sampled since I'm still trying to avoid eating everything that makes life worth living in an effort to fend off migraine attacks.   It really was delicious though--especially the icing. 

I took copious amounts of pictures to commemorate the occasion with the evening light streaming in and making his little head glow while he played with his new toy and licked his new book.  Later that night, however, when I attempted to load all my beautiful pictures onto my computer I realized that I hadn't actually had my memory stick in my camera and there were, in fact, zero birthday pictures. 

Well, you can't have zero birthday pictures from your sixth child's first birthday.  Maybe their third birthday or their eleventh, but certainly not their first.  That's the sort of childhood trauma that keeps the therapists in business.  So I did what any self-respecting mother would do and recreated the birthday festivities the next day, with the one quarter cake remnant positioned just so in the frame so as to appear fully intact. 

Timmy didn't mind having another go at the cake and hopefully these fake memories will suffice to ward off any feelings of neglect later on in his teenage years. 

Hopefully :)