Friday, February 28, 2014

On the Overratedness of Well-Timed Babies

*This is an announcement*

I got really creative and surprised Chris with the big news by inventing a reason to go shopping and then pulling into the 'expectant mothers' parking spot in front of the commissary, which is something he always encourages even if I'm not pregnant and I always refuse.  He nearly ruined the whole thing with his irritation over the fact that I was not parking in the closest possible spot to the door he wanted to go into nor was I taking the most direct route to get there.  He surely was surprised--mostly because I had already had our ubiquitous must have tested too early negative pregnancy test and thought I was on my way to another eighty-five day funfest of repeated pregnancy tests and confusing charts.

I guess I should be proud of myself for not almost getting to my second trimester before realizing I was pregnant this time.  I decided to double check and take a second pregnancy test after sitting down on the couch one afternoon and immediately falling asleep.  I jumped up with a start and thought to myself--"hmmmm....that's not normal tired......that's pregnant tired......."  Well actually, my first thought was, "oh no, where's the baby!" and then I thought "pregnant tired."  And for anyone concerned about my countdown clock (and I know you all are)--the baby is due in October--which is also the month when we may or may not be moving to somewhere in or perhaps not in the Continental United States.  As always, our timing is impeccable.

When in October is the baby due you ask?  I have no idea, but I'll be sure to fill you in once I get my first ultrasound--NFP for the win!  

And when will we know when and where we're moving?  Apparently sometime in May so......that should give us plenty of time to plan :)

It looks like I'm relegated to being that mom who perpetually arrives at her next duty station about to give birth or having just given birth and depending heavily on the kindness of strangers......I mean, friends I haven't met yet.  I guess the good Lord is just driving home the message that I don't need to be in control of everything, or I suppose more accurately, I don't need to spend my life thinking that I can be in control of everything and I should just try to relax and have faith in His timing.  

In the meantime I'll be sure to keep busy explaining to everyone who asks (and it's already a lot of everyone) that no, we aren't trying for a girl--I just really like that prime parking spot at the front at the commissary.


And on another note, I'd really appreciate everyone's prayers because being pregnant still makes me feel panicky.  I'd like to think that I'll feel calmer once I see a heartbeat but I probably won't be totally calm until I've actually got this little one in my arms.


  1. Ohhhh what wonderful news!!! Congratulations, and many prayers coming your way :) Hopefully you all will get stationed near family this time around!

    1. Thanks! I'll be coming to you for advice if David's prayers for "twin girl babies" comes true :)

  2. I didn't know how you told Chris. That's funny! Must be a Reintjes thing to want to get the best parking space and go the most direct route. :-) It comes out in me sometimes too!

    1. He was getting REALLY irritated at my meandering :)

  3. YAY!!! So excited for you guys! And I know EXACTLY what you mean about moving just before or just after delivering. I like to have babies right around the time we're driving coast-to-coast. Argh! Still trying to convince Patrick that we need just one more. Hugs and prayers for all of y'all!

    1. Just tell him there's always room for one more!

  4. Congratulations!!! This is very exciting! Too bad you aren't moving back here so we can help. ;)
