Saturday, November 22, 2014

Metro Rides and Museums Without Dinosaurs

We braved the cold and the metro this week on our first trip into the city.  It's only a little less than a mile to the nearest metro from our house so we just walked down took the kids on their very first metro ride.  The double stroller did just fine and the boys were really excited about being on "the monorail"--clearly we've been living too close to Disney for too long.

We were going to take the kids to the Natural History museum because--dinosaurs!!  Unfortunately when planning our visit online I found out that the dinosaurs have been removed from the museum for the next five years!  I cannot begin to describe the disappointment in the Reintjes house when that news was broken.  We promised to take them once the lame (and not nearly as exciting as the old exhibit) on American dinosaurs opens next week which offered some appeasement.

That and the promise of the Air and Space museum.

The boys loved all the planes and space stuff.  I, well I prefer the Natural History museum.......or the art museum.........or pretty much any other museum......

......and I'm pretty sure Margaret agrees with me...girls united against science!  I kid, I kid.....well, mostly..... ;)

Me:  Give me your best astronaut impression!
David:  Like what?
Me:  I don't know, pretend like you're floating in space.
David:  ..... (giving a very awkward thumbs up)
Me:  That's what you think astronauts are doing in space?

It was a fun first excursion into the city and now I'm confident I can handle the metro on my own with the children--I even know where all the relevant metro elevators are, which is a feat in itself!

I think I'll wait till spring to venture out alone though--the circus that is outfitting these little ones in all their winter gear is quite an adventure and the trip home from the metro is all uphill and no one wants to listen to whiny boys with frozen noses complain about all the injustices of their cold cold lives while pushing all their weight up a partially frozen hill.  At least, I don't.