Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Move Begins

We'll, we are officially moved out of our house of the past two years--the moving truck is gone, house cleaned, keys turned in.  Chris pretty much handled everything including John Michael while the big boys, baby and I have spent most of the past two days alternating between saying goodbye to our friends and watching live TV in the cabin we rented behind our house--which is apparently an unfathomable nightmare for children whose viewing options are generally limited to Netflix and Amazon Prime:

child:  "I want to watch something different"
me:     "There isn't anything different, this is live TV."
child:   blank stare
me:     "Live TV means shows play one after another, you just have to watch the show that's playing right now."
child:   "Well just pause it then."
me:      "It doesn't pause, it's just TV"
child:   angry blank stare
me:      "It just doesn't pause."
child:   "Well can I at least have that super obnoxious Jake and the Neverland Pirates ship that doesn't even come with Captain Hook/amazing sugar cereal I've never seen before/cruise ship trip to the Caribbean?
me:     face palm

I did manage to make Chris take some unrelated pictures of me and the baby in between all of the goodbyes and television rants so I haven't been totally useless throughout this process.

As much as I don't love the climate in Florida and the fact that I'm pretty sure we are all allergic to the whole area in general, I'm really going to miss it here--especially all the friends we've made and living on base where everything was just so easy.

As I watched our moving truck filling up the reality of our leaving finally hit me.......but that wave of sadness was quickly overshadowed by the dread of knowing I'd have to put all of those things away again come Monday morning--probably with a house full of children running wild and attempting to escape out of the open front door directly into a very busy street.

That's the way it goes.  There's no time to mope when there's so much that still needs to be done.   I'll just have to save the moping for later, right now I've got a long drive tomorrow and one whole weekend to mentally prepare for the unpack......or pretend that it's not actually happening, we'll see how I feel.

I'm sure it will all work out in the end.  It usually does :)