Someone loves their baby brother a little too hard. Someone also occasionally turns into a tiger and licks their baby brother clean. A little tiger mother's job is never done.
"Josef Pieper tells us that leisure is the basis of culture. Most moms would laugh at the idea of leisure, but that is essentially the gift homeschooling gave us--the leisure to learn. Homeschooling moms are what remains of the leisured classes in these hurried, frantic days. We are the Irish monks of our time, carefully preserving old library books (and even reading them)...While we were busy thinking of our small families, we just might have been preserving something much larger." (163)One of my favorite parts of homeschooling is the chance it gives me to learn all sorts of things I never had the chance to before. One of the last books I read this past year was West With The Night. It's something I would never have picked up or even known about before, but one of the older forms in our co-op was reading it for their geography lessons on Africa and I thought it sounded interesting. It's an autobiography of Beryl Markham who was raised by her father on a British East African farm, became a race horse trainer and then a pilot, and then eventually the first person to fly West across the Atlantic--which she accomplished by herself without even a radio. If I wasn't homeschooling I'm pretty sure I never would have picked this up and now I've learned more about Africa than I ever did in my previous thirty-some years and I will certainly make sure that Margaret reads it as well.