Monday, June 15, 2015

The Fairy Ring and Our Very Own Fairy

Ever since we built the fairy house, David had been checking it for signs that a fairy might have moved in.  This boy will sit still for huge chunks of time just hoping to catch a glimpse of a flower fairy--which is very out of character and also very cute.  Not so cute is the fact that he insists on bringing home every dandelion he can lay his hands on for the sole purpose of blowing them all over the backyard in hopes of luring a dandelion fairy in.  Well, a couple of weeks ago he came running in to tell me that tiny potted plants had shown up right outside the door of the fairy house which could clearly only mean one thing.  To say he was excited would be a very large understatement.

Now our particular fairy has been fairly illusive but today we were finally able to capture some pictures of her.  Also, and in completely unrelated news, I just finished reading aloud The Fairy Ring: Or Elsie and Frances Fool the World {a true story} to the boys and they loved it--with a couple of kids pulling off a hoax on the entire adult world, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself, what's not to love?  I like that although the book is very clear that the girls had taken staged photos of the fairies, they only did it because the grown ups wouldn't believe that they really did see them.  My boys loved all the naughtiness and looking at the pictures the girls took.  And the book may have also inspired a little naughtiness at the Reintjes house as well.

Have you seen any fairies lately?

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